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Using Ambrook on Mobile

Tag transactions right when you make, deposit checks, and book them using Ambrook's mobile app

Paige Wyler avatar
Written by Paige Wyler
Updated over 4 months ago

Your membership includes access to a mobile app that allows you to manage your bookkeeping and business workflows (paying bills, invoicing customers, depositing checks, etc.) on-the-go. It’s an optional, and convenient, complement to our desktop software.

How to Download the Mobile App

For Android Devices

You can find and download Ambrook in your Google Play store, as you would with other apps. Search for Ambrook in the Play store and download the app to your phone.

For iOS (Apple) Devices

Ambrook cannot be found in the public app store. Instead, follow these steps to access.

  1. Go to on your mobile browser.

  2. This will take you to a page with instructions. Follow the first link to download Testflight. Testflight acts as a sort of “beta app store” where we will send updates.

  3. Then return to the original browser page, and follow the second link to download Ambrook ("Start Testing").

Once the Ambrook app is downloaded, you can log in with the same email and password you used at If you see any odd behavior when you open up the app initially, like a blank screen, close out of the app and try again.

Mobile-Specific Features

The Ambrook mobile app will look and feel similar to the web app. In addition to the features you will find on the web app, you can also access a few additional workflows:

  • Snap photos of receipts and attach them directly to transactions. Attachment functionality is available across all accounts - just open the transaction in your Ledger and click Upload for an existing picture or Camera to take a new picture. You will also receive a notification to upload receipts when you use the Ambrook card associated with your account. Tapping this notification will take you directly to the transaction to add a receipt.

  • Snap photos of bills and invoices and upload them. This is particularly useful if you receive a paper bill, for example, and want to upload it to Ambrook before it gets lost. Go to Bills → “+ New” and use your camera to take a photo. Our computer vision will attempt to read the picture’s line items into the bill.

    • Tip: Save this bill as a draft, and come back to it later on your computer if you prefer to work on a larger screen to edit or add more details.

    • Be sure to review the line items - while the camera can read in the line items, there may be slight discrepancies depending on the format of your bill.

  • Deposit checks directly into your Ambrook Wallet. Skip long drives to the bank and waiting in lines; instead, go to Wallet → Deposit Check and follow the instructions. The funds will reach your Ambrook Wallet within 3-5 business days.

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