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Issuing Credit Memos

Use credit memos to account different invoicing situations including breakage, overpayments, or general discounts.

Eric Jasinski avatar
Written by Eric Jasinski
Updated over 6 months ago

What is a credit memo?

Credit memos are documents that reduce the amount due of an invoice. The difference between issuing a credit memo and editing an existing invoice is that a credit memo doesn’t void or replace the original invoice. Some examples of when you might use a credit memo include:

  • You under-delivered on your invoice (e.g. low inventory, spoiled goods, or issues with delivery)

  • You’d like to show goodwill to your customers (e.g. loyalty reward, or discounts)

  • Your customer overpays an invoice (e.g. a double payment)

  • You overbilled a customer (e.g. duplicate invoice sent, or data entry error on an invoice)

A credit note reduces the amount due without recording any payment. However, if a credit note reduces the balance of an open invoice to 0, the invoice status changes to paid.

How to create credit memos

There are several ways to create credit memos:

  • Navigate to Customers, select a customer you’d like to issue a credit memo to, then select “Add Credit Memo”.

When creating a new credit memo:

  1. Select the customer you’d want to issue a credit memo to

  2. Select the entity you’re issuing the credit memo from

  3. Enter the amount you’d want to credit

  4. Enter the date for the credit memo

  5. Optionally, add a description as the reason for the credit memo

  6. Tag the credit memo with the category, and enterprise you’d want to credit from

After creating the credit memo, you can download the credit memo by clicking the download icon, or through the more menu. Additionally, there’s an option to print the credit memo from there.

View credit memos balances

There are several ways to see your credit memos balance at any given time:

  • Navigate to Settings and select Credit Memos. The Open tab will list all your open credit memos, and you’ll find the total balance of your open credit memos next to the New button.

  • Navigate to Balances and select Credit Memos under Accrued Assets.

  • You can also view the credit memo balance per customer by navigating to the specific contact, and viewing their details.

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