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Creating a Bill

Managing your bill workflows on Ambrook

Paige Wyler avatar
Written by Paige Wyler
Updated over 12 months ago

Creating and paying bills on Ambrook allows you to get through payments and your bookkeeping at the same time.

  1. Start by navigating to the Bills tab. This page contains all of the bills you have created, organized within the tabs based on their status.

  2. Click the “+ New Bill” button on the upper right. That will open up the bill creation page.

  3. Fill out the line items on the left hand side of the page with the contents of the bill.

    Tip: If the vendor has sent you a PDF or email bill, you can drag-and-drop the file into the “Scan File” box, and the software will attempt to read in the details. If you have a paper version of the bill, use the Ambrook mobile app to take a picture of it for upload instead. Be sure to scan for any errors the computer made. Either way, less work for you!

  4. Tag the bill with the correct Category and Enterprise. Using the tags underneath the line items will bulk tag all line items. If you wish to tag them one at a time, or edit just a single line item, you can select the “Tag Each Item” option.

  5. Fill in the informational fields on the right hand panel. See the table below for guidance on each field.

Informational Fields

Field Name



This is a required field. Depending on how you plan on paying them, make sure the vendor profile has a valid email, mailing address, and payment information.

Bill ID

Enter a Bill ID if the vendor provided one. This field is not required, but if you leave it blank, it may be harder to distinguish between similar bills in the future.


Use this to provide context on what the bill was for (ex: “March utilities”). If you are writing a check through Ambrook, this text will also appear in the “Memo” line of that check.

Bill Date

This defaults to today’s date, but you can change it to whatever date you’d like.

Net Terms

Ambrook uses this information to alert you when a bill is coming overdue. Set Net Terms to “0” if payment is due to the vendor immediately.

Due Date

This date is calculated based on the Bill Date and Net Terms fields, but you can also set it directly.


Use the Files section to upload any other documents you want to be associated with the bill for recordkeeping. If you used the Scan File feature, that file will already be attached.

Save as Draft

At any point in the process, you can click “Save as Draft” under the “Save As” dropdown. Your bill will be saved as a draft and you can pick up where you left off later on. Draft bills are never included in your Accounts Payable totals.

Save as Open

At any point in the process, you can click “Save as Open” under the “Save As” dropdown. Your bill will be saved and you can pick up where you left off later on. Open bills are included in your Accounts Payable totals.

Create Another

If your workflow includes creating many bills in one sitting, we recommend marking this checkbox before saving to shave off a few clicks per bill. It will bring you directly back to this bill creation screen rather than the Bills tab homepage.

Learn more about paying bills here.

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